By Danielle Ayearst, Registered Massage Therapist

As a patient at Orchard Chiropractic, Physiotherapy and Massage, do you take advantage of what our multi-disciplinary clinic offers?

At OCP, we provide you the benefit of a “one stop shop.” With all our practitioners working together as a team, we can offer and accommodate the “when and why” for your individualized treatment plan.

RMTs are often asked the question, “when should I get a massage?” or “why should I get a massage?”

As an RMT at OCP, we recommend that patients incorporate massage treatments into their personalized treatment plan by chatting with their practitioner and just “trying it out”.

What do I mean by “try it out”??

Everybody is different and every person presents with different health histories and concerns. Therefore; there is no cookie cutter answer! Ugh, don’t you hate that answer!

You may ask, when and why do I incorporate massage, chiro, physiotherapy or kinesiology into my self-care plan??

For the patients who are seeking physiotherapy or chiropractic care, I have a few suggestions.

If you are a patient who feels some discomfort after a treatment, perhaps getting a massage following your treatment will assist your body in further positive effects on your nervous system. Perhaps you have a hard time relaxing during a treatment. If your body is tense, you may not adjust or respond as well as you possibly could to your treatment. Therefore, a massage before your chiropractic treatment may be beneficial. Each modality that our practitioners offer complement each other.

But… Again… everyone is different so there is no right or wrong way to plan your individualized treatment plan. We encourage you to “try it out!”  Book an appointment with your Chiropractor and follow it up with your RMT. Try this for a few appointments and see if you notice any difference. If you don’t, perhaps see your RMT first and then your Chiropractor. Give it some time and see what works best for your body and current health concerns. This also applies for your physiotherapy appointments. Seeing your Chiropractor and RMT on the same day may be what works best for you. In other cases, you may benefit seeing your Chiropractor bi-weekly and your RMT on the opposite weeks. Depending on your current health concerns, perhaps seeing your Physiotherapist for a few consecutive appointments followed up by seeing your RMT may be the best way to assist your body in healing and overall health.

Again “try it out”. This is the best way to discover the benefits of utilizing a multi-disciplinary clinic approach. Try it out and communicate with your practitioners!

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