Brianne’s first experience with massage therapy occurred while she was in school for kinesiology on an athletic scholarship in the U.S.A. Initially, she was in the habit of getting a quick massage to warm up before events and saw great results from this. As time went on she noticed more and more of her fellow athletes getting massage after events as well. She saw the great effect this had on recovery times, but it wasn’t until she returned to Canada that she really saw the full potential of massage. Here she quickly saw that massage was actually more effective for a lot of conditions than other similar treatment options. After discovering that massage is actually a 3 year, 3000 hour program in BC she was sold. In 2011 she began her schooling to become a Registered Massage Therapist, and subsequently graduated in 2014 from Okanagan Valley College of Massage therapy in Vernon, BC.
While in school she discovered Dr. Vodder’s Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD). She saw first hand how this technique was effective for a range of conditions that no other treatment techniques could match in terms of effectiveness. She saw MLD treat women with lymphedema following mastectomies, patients with intensive scarring, and athletes with acute injuries. Seeing the difference that MLD could make in a person’s life inspired her to upgrade her training and now she is one of the few therapists in the Central Okanagan able to provide Dr. Vodder’s Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) and Combined Decongestive Therapy (CDT), which is compression bandaging.
Outside the Office
Brianne’s hobbies include hiking with her dogs, baking sourdough bread, playing the piano, and leading an active
Orchard Chiropractic & Physiotherapy is a holistic practice, ready to meet your health care needs. If you would like to book an appointment with Brianne, please call our Kelowna office during office hours to schedule an appointment.